Sunday, October 5, 2008

Princess Party

"In my dreams, I could be a Princess, and that's what I was. Like most little girls, I believed nothing less than a Prince could make my dreams come true. "Loretta Young

For Haleys 5 th birthday she wanted a princess party. This wasnt hard to do because all of her neighborhood friends would come over and play dress up everyday. So we had plenty of willing participants.

Thanks to grandman and Misty we set up chairs for a game of musical pricesses.

Ethan checking out the Ladies and the ladies giving him the what not!

Our beautiful princess

Kayla never takes her princess dress off so this is everyday attire

Our princesses posing for a photoshoot

What a great day for Haley. she is such an amazing blessing in our lives. She is so obedient annd helpful. Her mind is always working and she always has something to say. As you can see she is growing like a weed, but what we love best about our little Hoozle is what a sweet heart she is. Full of love, she radiates kindness and peace and always has time to love on her daddy! We love you hazel thank you for being the princess you are.


Erin said...

Haley will always have a special place in my heart.(Mainly because she told me I looked to young to be a mommy.)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Haley!! I wish our princesses could have joined the party! Email me if you would like an invite to our blog. (not that I ever get around to updating it:)